The construction of early modern global Cities and oceanic networks in the Atlantic: An approach via Ocean’s Cultural Heritage

@St. Thomas, SW Coast Africa / T. H. Walker, Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal,


CONCHA is an EU funded staff exchange project, based on CHAM (NOVA FCSH—UAc, Lisbon, Portugal) that joins around 50 researchers from 11 partner institutions from Europe, Africa and the Americas.


CONCHA’s main goal is to address the different ways port cities developed around the Atlantic during the early modern period in relation to differing global, regional, and local ecological and economic environments. Speaking to different literatures on port cities in the Atlantic, material and immaterial culture, and environmental history, CONCHA aims to produce an Atlantic history of seaports in which the ocean – its ecosystems and species – is included as a dynamic player.


Taking place between January 2018 and October 2023, CONCHA will also leverage several of the research, education and dissemination aims and activities of the UNESCO Chair “The Ocean’s Cultural Heritage” held by NOVA FCSH.

Caderno de actividades educativas (.pdf)

Cuaderno de actividades educativas (.pdf)

Educational Activities notebook (.pdf)

Exposição "A Fé que corre nas Águas"

14.06.2023 a 21.07.2023 - Universidade Federal de Sergipe


This project has received funding from the EU H2020-MSCA-RISE-2017 research and innovation programme under grant agreement Nº 777998.